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LearnSphere Question Bank

A “bank of questions” for an educational institution typically refers to a repository or collection of questions that can be used for assessments, exams, quizzes, or other educational purposes. This bank is designed to cover a range of topics and difficulty levels, providing educators with a diverse set of questions to evaluate students’ understanding and knowledge.

In the dynamic landscape of education, the role of a question bank within educational institutions is pivotal

A question bank serves as an expansive reservoir of educational questions. It consolidates a vast array of questions, spanning diverse subjects and difficulty levels. This centralized repository becomes an invaluable asset for educators seeking to create assessments that accurately gauge students’ grasp of the curriculum.

Essential Assessment Tool

Functioning as a versatile assessment tool, a question bank allows educators to craft quizzes, exams, and evaluations. Its flexibility enables the creation of assessments tailored to different learning objectives and evaluation criteria. This adaptability contributes to a more nuanced and effective evaluation process.

Alignment with Learning Objectives

The questions housed in a question bank are meticulously curated to align with the specific learning objectives and outcomes of the educational institution. This alignment ensures that assessments are not only comprehensive but also directly contribute to the fulfillment of educational goals.

Varied Formats for Diverse Assessment

One of the strengths of a question bank lies in its ability to accommodate various question formats. Ranging from multiple-choice to short answer questions, this diversity enables educators to assess a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge levels. This inclusivity in assessment formats promotes a more holistic understanding of students’ academic proficiency.

The paper discusses the development and implementation of the “Questions-Bank” system, a crucial component of the educational assessment process. This system caters to primary, preparatory, and secondary school students, offering web-based quizzes, exams, and access to course reviews. The uniqueness of the “Questions-Bank” lies in assigning weights and specific knowledge areas to each question. The system facilitates the creation of well-balanced exam sheets with varying difficulty levels, accommodating students from different proficiency levels. Notably, it addresses language clarity and terminology issues, ensuring accuracy. The system also allows schools to establish a Questions-Bank database for storing past exams, model answers, reviews, and exercises. Successfully implemented in both distance learning and self-training, the system has received positive feedback from teachers and students across various Qatari school levels.

Hosam Farouk El-Sofany et al.
Questions-Bank System to Enhance E-Learning in School Education

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